Monday 12 October 2015

AS1 Task 2/3: In camera editing- Developments in Editing

In Camera Editing:

In camera editing is a technique of video production, in which the camera operator shoots the shots in the exact order that they will be viewed in.

It was a technique used to a great del` in the early days of film making before 'splicing' (the art of cutting/reconnecting film strip) became easier.

The film is 'edited' by simply switching on and off the camera.

One of the most famous in-camera editors was George Melies who is rumoured that he had discovered the art of stop motion  purely by accident when a camera of his broke down for a brief second.

George Melies was the first person who have discovered the 'in-camera' editing.  He showed that we can also create a bit of magic in our films but this is very tricky. We are too make sure that the shots are accurate to make it look continuously. 

Our Task:

We are to produced a one minute long sequence that we will be editing 'in camera'.

The sequence should be set in a school and have two characters. Your sequence can include dialogue or can be a silent.

We are to work in small group for the entire of this task. We are to assign the following rules.

- Director
- Camera Operator
- 2x Actors

For what we have done:

For our Director we had Jasmine King to direct us when we can start filming, acting and when we have to stop acting and filming. Our camera operator is Allegria Luyindula who have  done the filming. And for our  two actors we had Aaliyah and I to do the acting.

This is our first exercise with 'in-camera. We are to practice using this technique until we get used to using the 'in-camera'. 

These are some of the pictures that we had taken while we were filming. 

This is our finished exercise video done by our team.

Story line:

 A girl name Rose (that's me) were meant to have her detention with her English teacher Ms Ally after school because her teacher thought that she was the one making a lot of noises in class even though it wasn't her but the girl sitting next to her.

When it's time for her detention, she was late to come to her English Teacher, Ms Ally. She was 15 minutes late as she was in the clinic because all day she wasn't feeling well. She has to rushed to her English teacher's classroom as she's aware that Ms Ally doesn't like students that turn up late especially at detention class.

When she arrived at the classroom, she saw her English Teacher, Ms Ally doesn't look happy. When her teacher asked why she was late she didn't tell Ms Ally that she she wasn't feeling well nor it wasn't her who was making a lot of noise at that time.

 Evaluation based on using in-camera editing:

Using in-camera editing  for filming is not very easy as this is not a digital type camera. With in-camera editing you have to shot a scene after the another.

I figured out that it is  not easy nor hard neither to film with in-camera editing as there are things with in-camera editing that you can't do with digital camera and same thing goes for digital camera. With digital camera you can't hand edit it unlike what people used to do  like George Melies  back at the time when in-camera editing is popular.

In-camera editing is really easy to use since it's quick and you won't have much problem using it unlike the digital camera that we now. This is because with digital camera, you have to first learn how to use it, you have to insert an SD card and many more. Whereas, with in-camera editing all you have to do is film then afterwards plugged in a cable that connects to your device and on to  the in-camera. Easy.

However, this is not the only case with  using in-camera editing. As with my own experience using this in-camera editing even though i'm not really the one handling the camera since i was one of the actors, with what i can see from the camera operator, it is sometimes hard to use in-camera editing since it doesn't have a delete button in where we can easily just click that delete button and the scene that we don't like or the scene that we messed up will be gone as quick as flash of light. This is not the case with in-camera editing. With in-camera editing we can't delete anything but we can go over the scenes that we already have and film with it. Basically, we just have to rewind back and start filming again on the scene just before we have made a mistake. Furthermore, with in-camera editing, it takes quite a bit of time to perfect it since we have to make sure that it is taken on the right angle so that it looks continuous.

This is overall what i think about the good and bad things about using in-camera editing. As my first attempt of using this i think that it is very good and useful to use. As i get use to it more i hope that me and my group will soon get the hang of using it.

Thank you for reading my blog. Hope you like it and enjoy it and hopefully you understand quite a bit more about in-camera editing. Thank you.

                                                             Me and my great team

Selfie, Selfie while filming. Say 'Cheese'!!!

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