Tuesday 20 October 2015

AS1: Task 4: From Analogue to Digital Editing

From Analogue to Digital Editing

Analogue editing:

 Analogue editing is done by cutting together a piece of celluloid film then putting it back together. At the past, films are made up of images that is printed onto the acetate  negatives. These are then 'spliced' together to form a reel film. These are then feed through a project or out a constant speed of 24 frames a second which will then make the pictures of your film appear to be moving.


Moviola was invented in 1924 by Iwan Serrorier. It was the first device that had allowed a film editor to view the film while it was being edited. It was also the first machine that was used for feature length motion picture editing.

Video Editing:

Back at the past when digital technologies wasn't available yet at that time, people use magnetic tape to store information. If today they use SD cards to store information from our devices, at that time they use video tapes. Traditionally, video editing was the common used when editing films before computer editing came out and developed. They use this process of editing segments to tapes using a device that mechanically puts pieces of video tape together. To edit, the film has to be edited in the correct order and this is called linear editing.

Digital Editing:

 Digital Editing is the form of electronic media in where data is stored in digital (as appeared to analogue) form. This is the use of computers to order and manipulate this digital data. There are also many different ways of editing programs. The most common program used are:

> Adobe  Premiere Pro
Pros:                                                                                       Cons
  •  Vastly improved usability                                   * Expensive, unless you own a recent previous                                                                                  version 
  • New effects capabilities including                       *GPU acceleration still mostly limited to adjustment layers                                                    professional graphics
  • SpeedGrade now part of Production Bundle
> Avid

> Final Cut Pro

Pros:                                                                             Cos:

  •  This program contains powerful                                   It's only available for the most recent version     tools such as the magnetic timeline                   of Apple's OS X operating system.

Digital Editing uses bits and bytes ( strings of 1's and 0's ) to record, transmit and reply images, instead of chemicals on film. The whole process is electronic  so there is no printing or 'splicing' involved.

Digital Editing soon overtook video editing as it is much quicker and therefore cheaper. The biggest pro is that you can edit digitally in any order.

In the early days of electronic video production, linear (tape-to-tape) editing was the only way to edit video tapes. Then, in the 1990s, non-linear editing computers became available and opened a whole new world of editing power and flexibility.

Non-linear editing was not welcomed by everyone and by many editors resisted the new wave. In addition, early digital video was plagued with performance issues and uncertainty. However, the advantages of non-linear video eventually became so overwhelming that they could not be ignored anymore.

Linear Editing advantages:

  • It is simple and inexpensive. There are very few complications with formats, hardware conflicts, etc.
  • For some jobs linear editing is better. For example, if you want to add two sections of video together, it is quicker to edit tape-to-tape than capture and edit on a hard drive.
Non-linear Editing:

 Editing in any order is called non-linear editing. If in linear editing you have to edit in the correct order, with non-linear editing you can edit a sequence from the end of the film even before you just have started editing the first scene. The process uses electronic files so it makes it as easy as cutting and pasting text in a word document.

  Working on a non-linear editing system is like working with a word processor. Using a computer screen and a mouse you can randomly cut and past segments and move them around until you are satisfied with the result.


 To join together or unite (two ropes or parts of a rope) by the interweaving of strands. Or to unite (film, magnetic tape, or the like) by butting and cementing. Splice in noun is the joining of film, electromagnetic tape, or the like.

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